


do you believe in the power of art to heal, shift moods, shape opinions, silence stigma and spur movements?

PaintYourBlues - an initiative by Suicide Prevention India Foundation, is a poster campaign to create awareness on key aspects of mental health in our society. we invite artists and designers around to globe to use graphic poster art as medium to spread awareness on mental health related issues. all selected posters from the campaign will be made available for non-commercial use as an open source repository under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.

entries open from

may 10 - july 5

voting open from

july 25 - aug 25


₹ 10,000

Each for 6 top entries - 3 selected by a curation panel and 3 selected through community voting on instagram.

for submission



do not use assets, fonts or artworks that are copyright protected in your submissions. this includes art/icons that are free to download, but requires crediting the original author who created it.

there’s no limit to the number of posters that can be submitted per individual. however, each entry should be made as separate submissions.

preparing canvas

posters should be made in portrait layout (4:5 aspect ratio) and in RGB color mode. you are free to create non-digital canvas such as a painted poster or a doodle, but make sure the above proportion is kept and the final entry is a digitized file.

posters should be submitted in 150dpi and with a minimum resolution of 1080 by 1350px. while sending entries via email, make sure the attachment size is not more than 5mb.

final submissions via email should be in JPG, PNG or PDF format.

making submissions

step 1

send the posters in high resolution to paintyourblues@spif.in with the subject PaintYourBlues by your instagram username.

don’t forget to mention your name, instagram username and contact number in the mail body.

if you are sending multiple entries, mail them separately. keep the attachment size below 5mb.

step 2

publish the poster on your instagram account and tag @paintyourblues. add the hashtag #PaintYourBlues in the post description. when submitting multiple entries, make them as individual posts. avoid creating carousal posts, we will only consider the first image as the entry.

your instagram profile should not be private while posting. we will be able to repost for voting from only public profiles.

you must tag us on the picture, and not just mention on the picture description. this is important for us to get informed about your submission and track.

do not publish your entries as stories. submit them as posts.



can i send you a painting?

short answer - NO! but yes, we know some of you prefer to work with the feel of the pencil in your hand and smell the fresh paint. there are no restrictions on how you can create the artwork for the poster. all we need is a well-scanned digital version of it as per the guidelines mentioned. so YES, you may paint, create a paper collage, or do a doodle. we don't mind as long as it is relevant to the theme at hand and can be used as a poster.

what is a poster?

a poster is primarily a mass communication medium. they are designed to both eye-catchy and informative and convey a core idea through combining graphics and text. however, there have been plenty of cases where the central idea has been conveyed with just text of graphics. our screening of entries that qualify for shortlisting for voting will be primarily based on how well they communicate the themes mentioned to the public.

can i do a poster in hindi?

NO. as a global public service campaign, we urge everyone to create the posters in english and not in any other language. however, you may use non-english scripts for ornamental/graphic purposes as part of your artwork, as long as the core communication for the poster is not dependent on it.

can i send more than one entry?

yes. there is no limit to the number of entries you can send. but make sure to post them as individual posts on instagram. also send them as individual emails.

can i send in the entries by just email and avoid Instagram?

the community voting happens through Instagram's likes. so it is essential that you publish entries on Instagram so that we can repost them for voting on our profile. ofcource, we can post it on your behalf, but that is prone to errors and we are a small team, and would really wish to avoid the overheads in tracking this. so we really request you to consider posting on Instagram as well as sending via email.

is it ok if i mention @paintyourblues in post or comment when posting?

no. for us to track your entries properly, we request you to use the "Tag" feature of Instagram, and not just mentioning us on the comments or in post description.

more questions? mail paintyourblues@spif.in

and don’t forget to share the love!

Suicide India Foundation
© 2020 Suicide Prevention India Foundation. All Rights Reserved.